20 December 2010

Houston Family Photoshoot

The pressure!  Another photographer asks you to take pictures for him!  Our sweet friends wanted to get some photos for their Christmas cards.  They've recently added to their family with a baby boy (about 6 months old) and puppy, so they needed some updated family pictures.  They found a really cool park with a nice nature backdrop, but also a really cool view of the Houston skyline.

28 November 2010

Couples, Brothers, Friends

This foursome does a lot together.  And this weekend I got to take pictures of them and capture a moment in time of their friendship.  Beautiful weather, plus beautiful people, equals a really easy job for me!  I got a lot of great pictures.  See for yourself!

06 November 2010

My baby

So I've been waiting for the day when I could take beautiful newborn pictures of my own baby.  I imagined a relaxed atmosphere where I could pose my little one in cute positions and capture his tiny little body and cute faces.  Little did I know that would not be possible being a mom of two.  Between two different naps schedules, eating and feedings, diaper changes, and an attention grabbing toddler, I couldn't really take my time to set up a nice background and props or make a nice quiet environment for my baby to sleep soundly in.  I literally had 10 minutes.  But I'll take what I can get.  At least I got a few pictures to capture a memory of his newborn days.  And I think he is just adorable!

13 October 2010

Mission Impossible - capturing a picture of 4 kids!

It was my goal to get a picture of all four of these beautiful kids smiling perfectly at the same time.  But I guess that's not real life, right?  Instead I think we got some fun pictures of them showing their cute personalities and how they interact with each other.  And rather than have a perfect portrait, it'll be a good memory about how things really were - crazy and fun.

I also took some pictures of them just playing with each other in the park.  

 Precious girl!  Just turned two!

 I love how the boys are all together, and sweet sister looks on.

Could he be any cuter??  Had to get a picture of those adorable chubby legs!

09 October 2010

Fun at the Park - K's photoshoot

To celebrate his one-year milestone, I took some pictures of this cute little man.  Doesn't he look like a little man in that polo and jeans?  He is 100% boy - so instead of posing for the camera, he spent the time exploring everything around him.  And I was happy to catch his curiosity in action.  So cute! 


Look at those eyes!