13 October 2010

Mission Impossible - capturing a picture of 4 kids!

It was my goal to get a picture of all four of these beautiful kids smiling perfectly at the same time.  But I guess that's not real life, right?  Instead I think we got some fun pictures of them showing their cute personalities and how they interact with each other.  And rather than have a perfect portrait, it'll be a good memory about how things really were - crazy and fun.

I also took some pictures of them just playing with each other in the park.  

 Precious girl!  Just turned two!

 I love how the boys are all together, and sweet sister looks on.

Could he be any cuter??  Had to get a picture of those adorable chubby legs!

09 October 2010

Fun at the Park - K's photoshoot

To celebrate his one-year milestone, I took some pictures of this cute little man.  Doesn't he look like a little man in that polo and jeans?  He is 100% boy - so instead of posing for the camera, he spent the time exploring everything around him.  And I was happy to catch his curiosity in action.  So cute! 


Look at those eyes!

05 October 2010


I did a quick self-portrait the other day to document a memory from this pregnancy.  It's a little tiring to do a self-portrait from across the room while pregnant - having to run back and forth!  Which is why I only took three pictures, and I'm glad one came out good.  I had to crop it quite a bit, but I kind of like the graininess of the photo.